Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Free Throws are... FREE!!!

seriously Jazz... seriously? did they even make 50 percent against the suns? there isn't anyone guarding you, it's just you and the rim, and brick after brick after brick! and why is it that the Jazz cannot win a road fucking game. sorry for the language but it's the only word I know that expresses the full frustration of a team that continuously forgets how to play basic basketball at the end of games. tonight the Jazz were tied at 114 with 47 seconds left and they let Grant Hill hit a shot. no big deal we just have to match it or take the lead with our possession but Dwill bricks it off the front of the rim (not even close to making it) and Okur completely misses the rim and the Suns steal a victory from the Jazz. I'm so damn pissed off that no team that I have ever cared about has won a damn thing. (and no Theresa that's not why I'm a Utah fan now) I don't think the Jazz will ever win a championship and frankly I'm not 100 percent sure that the front office has "championship" on the top of their list of organizational goals. I'm going to bed...

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